
‘Interface’ Tab
The Interface tab only appears on the StreetPilot 2650 with Dead Reckoning (DR) sensors. The
StreetPilot 2650 must be installed by an qualifi ed Garmin dealer (see page 48). It is recommended that you
record these settings down in case the unit needs service or the tab is reset to defaults. The ‘Interface’ fi le
tab provides the following input/output format settings:
Odometer (Vehicle Speed Sensor) Wave Type – The type (Sine or Square Wave) needs to be deter-
mined either by contacting the vehicle manufacturer or by using an oscilloscope. ‘Square Wave’ is the most
common type. Do not connect the DR Cable into the vehicle speed sensor signal from the ABS
Reverse Light Polarity
Used to determine if there is a high or Low (No) volatage signal when the vehi-
cle’s reverse light is activated. Contact the vehicle manufacturer for polarity or check with a voltmeter. Set to
‘High’ (most common) if a positive, high voltage is detected. Set to ‘Low’ if no or a low voltage is detected.
USB Format
This option allows you to turn the USB On (‘Garmin’) or Off (‘None’). If ‘Serial Format is
set to ‘Garmin’, then ‘USB Format’ is automatically set to ‘None’. Set this to ‘Garmin’ when connecting your
StreetPilot 2650 to a USB port to use with MapSource.
Serial Format
This option allows you to choose from one of the available settings below. If ‘USB Format
is set to ‘Garmin’, then ‘Serial Format is automatically set to ‘None’.
• Garmin: the proprietary format used to exchange waypoint, route, track log data with a PC via serial
connection. The format used for database updates and to save optional MapSource CD-ROM data to
an installed data cartridge (also optional).
• NMEA: supports the input/output of standard NMEA 0183 version 3.01 data.
• Text Out: supports a standardized, fi xed-column ASCII output with data for position, track, speed,
• None: provides no interfacing capabilities.
See page 48 for information on wiring the DR cable.
The StreetPilot 2650 DR and Interface Settings page.
System Setup
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