Getting Started
Numbers Page/
Highway Page
To split the data fi elds:
1. Press MENU, then press ENTER. Highlight the ‘SPEED’ data fi eld and press MENU.
2. Highlight ‘Split Numbers’, then press ENTER. You will now see four new data fi elds. Press QUIT
when done.
3. To return to the original confi guration, repeat the above steps, but instead of ‘Split Number’,
select either ‘Merge Numbers’ or ‘Defaults’. Press QUIT when done.
Let’s move on to the Highway Page by pressing the PAGE key.
Highway Page
The GPSMAP 188/188C/238 Sounder’s Highway Page also provides graphic steering guidance to
a destination waypoint, placing greater emphasis on the straight-line desired course and the distance
and direction you are off course. As you head toward your destination, the middle of the screen
provides visual guidance to your waypoint on a moving graphic “highway.” Your present position
is at the bottom center of the highway display. The line down the middle of the highway represents
your desired course.
As you navigate toward a waypoint, the highway will actually move, indicating the direction
you’re off course. To stay on course, simply steer toward the center of the highway or “keep it on
the road”. The four default data fi elds at the top of the page indicate ‘Speed’ and ‘Distance To Next’
point, along with ‘To Course’ which shows the bearing to get you back on course and ‘Time To Next’
point. Additionally, a compass ribbon is displayed to show your current heading along with a dark,
vertical bar which will indicate the direct bearing to the navigation point. When the red, vertical
indicator lines up with the black bar in the middle, you are heading directly to the navigation point.
Use the Highway Page as your primary navigation page (in lieu of the Compass Page) when your
main concern is following a defi ned course.
Numbers Page with split numbers
Highway Page
188188C238 Manual Part 1.indd 17 6/30/2003, 3:34:33 PM