
MINI Cooper nüvi 360 Owner’s Manual 63
update maps 44
view 38
zoom 12
MapSource 44
measurements 24
menu page 6
messaging, text 30
metric units 40
microphone 1
microphone, external 2
MP3 17, 18
myGarmin iii
my locations 15, 16, 29
Favorites 15
narrow your results list
spell the name 12
navigation settings 42
next turn page 9
north up 38
nuvi drives 35, 36
on-screen keyboard 11
optional accessories 47
pairing your nüvi 25
passkey, pairing 26
PC interface 57
phone book 28
phone icon 6
phone number, home 29
pictures 22
PIN, Garmin Lock 5
playing Audible books 19
playlist 18
POI (point of interest) 46
postal code 11
Power button vi, 3
power input 57
present location, saving 15
preview turns 8
protecting your nüvi 52
proximity points 43
purchasing a trafc
subscription 33
quick settings vi, 4
recalibrate touch screen 41
receiving a call 27
registering your nüvi iii, 44
removing a phone from the
list 30
removing from the cradle 2
maximum speed 8
trip information 8
your nüvi 4
restoring settings 38
routing preferences 42
safe mode 39
satellites, acquiring 3
satellite signals 6, 51
saved places
delete 16
edit 16
SaversGuide 48
saving places 15
school zone database 46
screen, cleaning the 59
screenshot 41
screen lock 4
SD card 35, 57
disk drive 35, 36
security location 5
settings, Bluetooth 26
setting a home location 16
setting your location 12
show map 13
slide show 23
software license agreement 60
software version 39
specications 57
spell the name of a place 11
status, phone 29
sticker, Garmin Lock 5