GNS 530(A) Pilot’s Guide and Reference
190-00181-00 Rev. H
With the prole set, the vertical speed required (VSR)
is displayed on the Vertical Navigation Page. Expect the
following to occur when using the vertical navigation
• At one minute prior to reaching the initial descent
point, a message “Approaching VNAV Prole”
(Figure 11-5) occurs. The descent (or climb)
angle also locks to prevent changes in speed from
altering the profile.
Figure 11-5 VNAV Profile Message
• If selected, the vertical speed required (VSR)
readout on the default NAV and map pages shows
the desired vertical speed to maintain the proper
descent (or climb) angle.
• At 500 feet above (or below, for a climb) the
target altitude, an “Approaching Target Altitude”
message is provided (Figure 11-6). The VSR
readout on the Default NAV and Map Pages is
blanked out, at this point.
Figure 11-6 Target Altitude Message