
position of such a waypoint will result in the message “ACTV WPT”.)
Some waypoints in the database may have the same name. When you have
entered a waypoint whose name is not unique, the Duplicate Waypoint Page
will be displayed with a waypoint region (see Appendix E for a complete list
of the abbreviations for the database regions), type (APT, VOR or USR) and
bearing, range and ETE for you to select the desired waypoint:
Region Type
To select the desired waypoint from a duplicate waypoint list...
· Press MORE or arrow keys to scroll through the list.
· Press ENT when the desired waypoint type and location is displayed.
To rename a waypoint...
· While a user waypoint is displayed, move the cursor under the
waypoint type/action field.
· Press MORE until “REN?” is displayed.
· Press ENT, the following page will be displayed.
Old New
Waypoint Waypoint
Name Name
· Enter the new waypoint name.
To delete a waypoint from memory...
· While a user waypoint is displayed, move the cursor under the