Instructions for your next turn or exit, or other action appear
across the top of the map. The symbol
indicates the type of
action and the lane or lanes in which you should be traveling, if
available. The device also displays the distance to the next
and the name of the street or exit associated with that
A colored line
highlights the course of your route on the map.
Arrows on the map
indicate upcoming turns. When you
approach your destination, a checkered flag indicates the
location of your destination.
Your vehicle speed
, the road on which you are traveling
and your estimated arrival time
appear at the bottom of the
map. You can customize the arrival time data field to display
other information (Changing the Map Data Field).
A data field displaying the speed limit may appear as you travel
on major roadways. This feature is not available in all areas.
Active Lane Guidance
As you approach a turn while navigating a route, a detailed
simulation of the road appears beside the map, if available. A
colored line indicates the proper lane for the turn.
Viewing a List of Turns
While navigating a route, you can view all of the turns and
maneuvers for your entire route and the distance between turns.
While navigating a route, select the text bar on the top of the
Select a turn.
The details for the turn appear. If available, an image of the
junction appears for junctions on major roadways.
Viewing the Entire Route on the Map
While navigating a route, select anywhere on the map.
Select .
Adding a Location to Your Route
Before you can add a location to your route, you must be
navigating a route (Starting a Route).
You can navigate to additional locations on the way to your
destination. For example, you can add a fuel station as the next
stop in your route. You can also add a location to the end of
your route.
TIP: To create complex routes with multiple locations or
scheduled stops, you can use the trip planner to plan, edit, and
save your route (Planning a Trip).
From the map, select > Where To?.
Search for a location (Finding Locations).
Select a location.
Select Go!.
Select an option:
• To add the location as the next stop in your route, select
Add As Next Stop.
• To add the location to the end of your route, select Add
As Last Stop.
• To add the location and adjust the order of locations in
your route, select Add to Active Route.
Your device re-calculates the route to include the added location
and guides you to the locations in order.
Shaping Your Route
Before you can shape your route, you must start a route
(Starting a Route).
You can manually shape your route to change its course. This
allows you to direct the route to use a certain road or go through
a certain area without adding a stop or destination to the route.
Touch anywhere on the map.
Select .
The device enters route shaping mode.
Select a location on the map.
TIP: You can select to zoom in on the map and select a
more precise location.
The device recalculates the route to travel through the
selected location.
If necessary, select an option:
• To add more shaping points to the route, select additional
locations on the map.
• To remove a shaping point, select .
When you are finished shaping the route, select Go!.
Taking a Detour
Before you can take a detour, you must be navigating a route
and you must add the change route tool to the map tools menu
(Enabling Map Tools).
You can take a detour for a specified distance along your route
or detour around specific roads. This is useful if you encounter
construction zones, closed roads, or poor road conditions.
From the map, select > Change Route.
Select an option:
• To detour your route for a specific distance, select Detour
by Distance.
• To detour around a specific road on the route, select
Detour by Road.
Stopping the Route
From the map, select > Stop.
Changing the Route Calculation Mode
Select Settings > Navigation > Calculation Mode.
Select an option:
• Select Faster Time to calculate routes that are faster to
drive but can be longer in distance.
• Select Off Road to calculate point-to-point routes (without
• Select Less Fuel to calculate routes that are more fuel-
• Select Shorter Distance to calculate routes that are
shorter in distance but can take more time to drive.
Starting a Route by Using the Map
You can start route by selecting a location from the map.
Select View Map.
Drag and zoom the map to display the area to search.
If necessary, select to filter the displayed points of interest
by category.
Location markers ( or a blue dot) appear on the map.
Select an option:
• Select a location marker.
Navigating to Your Destination 3