
124 Garmin-Asus A10 Owner’s Manual
documents 82
feedback 109
found location 34
Internet connection 95
picture 74
pictures and videos 76
URL 66, 68
your location 34
shortcuts 9
contacts 26
signature 59
silencing the ringer 19
silent ring style 12
SIM card
copy contacts 28
slideshow 76
SMS 53–60
cell broadcast 56
update i
view information 110
speakerphone 18
specications 115
spelling the location 30
status bar 16
stop watch 84
storage 110
storing the device 114
streaming music 73
synchronizing 89
with a Google
account 90–91
with computer 89
with Exchange
Server 90
teletypewriter 98
text completion 14, 108
text message 53–60
theft, ways to avoid 114
time format 109
time, setting 108
trafc 46–52
avoid 47–52
icon 47
train 101
transfer les 92–93
trip computer 46, 50
trip log 52
clearing 52
TTY 98
underground transit 101
units of measure 109
maps i
software i
USB cable 4
user data, deleting 110
using the map 42
vibrate ring style 12
for alarm 84
for appointments 103
for e-mail
messages 102
for messages 103
for phone call 96
le types 93
recording 75, 75–79
voice mail 19, 20