Caution - The Global Positioning System (GPS) is operated by the govern-
ment of the United States, which is solely responsible for its accuracy and main-
tenance. The system is subject to changes which could affect the accuracy and
performance of all GPS equipment. Although the GARMIN NavTalk is a preci-
sion electronic NAVigation AID (NAVAID), any NAVAID can be misused or mis-
interpreted and, therefore, become unsafe.
To reduce the risk of unsafe operation, carefully review and understand all
aspects of this Operator’s Manual and thoroughly practice operation using the
simulator mode prior to actual use. When in actual use, carefully compare indi-
cations from the NavTalk to all available navigation sources including the infor-
mation from other NAVAIDs, visual sightings, maps, etc. For safety, always
resolve any discrepancies before continuing navigation.
Service and Repair - The NavTalk does not contain any user-serviceable
parts. Repairs should only be made by an authorized GARMIN service center.
Unauthorized repairs or modifications could void your warranty.
FCC Compliance - The NavTalk GPS Receiver/Cellular Phone meets com-
pliance requirements for maximum Specific Absorption Rate of radio wave emis-
sions for the limit given in the FCC 96-326 Guideline. Tested by APREL Labora-
tories, an agent of the Telecommunications Board of the Spectrum Scientific
Institute, Nepean, Ontario, Canada.
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