To activate a route:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the ‘MENU’
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘ROUTE’. Press ENTER. The ‘ROUTE’ Page appears.
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘FOLLOW’ and press ENTER. The choices are
the fi rst (beginning) waypoint and the last (end)
3. Press the UP or DOWN Button and select the
desired waypoint and press ENTER. The ‘POINTER’
Page appears giving you steering guidance to the
destination waypoint.
To remove a waypoint from the ‘ROUTE’ list:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the ‘MENU’
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘ROUTE’. Press ENTER. The ‘ROUTE’ Page appears.
Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
the waypoint you want to remove. The ‘INSERT/
REMOVE’ window appears. Press the UP or DOWN
Button and highlight ‘REMOVE’. Press ENTER. The
waypoint is removed from the list.
To clear all route waypoints:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the ‘MENU’
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘ROUTE’. Press ENTER. The ‘ROUTE’ Page appears.
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘CLEAR ALL’ and press ENTER. The confi rmation
window appears asking you if you really want to
clear all of the route waypoints. If you do, select
‘YES’. If you change your mind, press the UP or
DOWN Button and select ‘NO’. Press ENTER. The
waypoints remain in the route list.
The eTrex draws an
electronic breadcrumb
trail as you travel.
The message ‘ARRIVING
displayed on every page
when you are 15 seconds
from reaching the
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