70 eTrex Venture Cx and Legend Cx Owner’s Manual
In this GPS game, you must walk around the board
collecting the flags as they appear. As you walk, your
“tail” grows. You may travel
anywhere on the screen, but
you cannot walk on your tail,
or you lose a life. As an added
challenge, you must also avoid
the skulls that chase after you.
This GPS game, which can be
played without GPS on, is all
about blasting gekoids. The
catch is, you are the ship and
you can survive only when
you avoid getting hit. Before
you begin to play, be sure to
make your game settings. The “Northwards” setting
rotates your ship in the center of the map. The map
is stationary and north is always up. The “Ship Up”
setting rotates the virtual world around your ship.
Your ship always points up. Press Enter to start, and
blast away.