
nüvifone G60 user’s guide 81
nüMaps Guarantee
To receive one free map update (if
available), register your nüvifone at
www.garmin.com within 60 days of
acquiring satellites and driving with
your nüvifone. You are not eligible
for the free map update if you
register by phone or wait longer than
60 days after the rst time you drive
with your nüvifone.
Additional Maps
You can purchase additional maps
for your nüvifone. To see a list of
maps that are compatible with your
nüvifone, go to www.garmin.com.
Update the Software
Go to www.garmin.com to download
the latest software update.
Reset the nüvifone
If the nüvifone stops functioning,
turn off the nüvifone, and then turn
on the nüvifone.
About GPS Satellite
Your nüvifone must acquire GPS
(Global Positioning System) satellite
signals to navigate. The nüvifone
automatically attempts to acquire
satellite signals.
If you are indoors, near tall buildings
or trees, or in a parking garage, your
nüvifone might not acquire satellites.
To acquire satellite signals more
quickly, take your nüvifone outside,
to an area free from tall obstructions.