The following list provides a brief description of each data field op-
tion. Some of these options are supported only by devices interfaced to
your GPS 60.
Accuracy GPS—The current accuracy of your GPS determined location.
Bearing—The compass direction from your current position to a destina-
tion point.
Course—The desired path of travel from your starting point to your
destination point.
Depth—The depth of water from sonar NMEA input.
Distance To Destination—The entire distance, from beginning to end, of
a route.
Distance To Next—The distance to the next point on a route.
ETA At Destination—The estimated time that you will arrive at your
destination, if you maintain your current speed and course.
ETA At Next—The estimated time that you will arrive at the next point on
your route, if you maintain your current speed and course.
Elevation—The distance above or below mean sea level.
Glide Ratio—The ratio of horizontal distance traveled to vertical distance.
Appendix C:
Data Field Options