GPSmap 76C
GPS Navigation
Measuring Distance
This Map Page option allows you to use the ROCKER key to position
the Map Pointer on a map item and then determine the distance to that
point from your current location. Access the Map Page Options Menu,
select “Measure Distance” and press ENTER to activate. To measure
between two selected points on the Map, move the Map Pointer to the
fi rst map point you want to measure from, press ENTER and then move
the Map Pointer to the second map point. Press QUIT to cancel.
Turning Declutter On/Off
This Map Page option allows you to remove map item titles and icons
that clutter the view of roadways especially when the map is zoomed to a
scale that is partially obscured by titles and icons which remain the same
size no matter what the map scale.
Access the Map Page Options Menu, select “Declutter On” and press
ENTER to activate. Do the same to cancel the “Declutter” option.
Restoring Default Settings
This option allows you to return the map settings to factory settings.
The Map Page
The “Measure Distance” Option Enabled
Map Declutter “Off” Map Declutter “On”
GPSmap 76C Owner's Guide copy.indd 13 3/25/2004, 11:29:35 AM