Map Page
The ‘Setup Map’ option displays the fi ve Map Setup
Pages, each accessed by an on-screen button. A list of
options displays for the features listed. Scale options
indicate the zoom level at which Tracks, Tracks Logs, Map
Features, or Text Boxes display, allowing you to remove
map clutter and defi ne map features.
Page Setup
Tracks Setup
Map Features
Text Setup
Page - Orientation:
‘Track Up’ or ‘North Up’;
fixes the
top of the map display to the current track heading
or to a north heading.
Auto Zoom:
On or Off;
automatically scales the map
to display both your current location and the next
point to which you are navigating.
Most, More, Normal, Less, or Least;
how much map detail you see. This setting only
applies to a map feature set to ‘Auto’. Those features
which have a specified scale or are turned ‘Off’ are
unaffected by this setting.
Lock on Road:
On or Off;
available only if MapSource
Data is loaded; when ‘On’ the triangle icon locks to
the road that you are traveling
Display Mode:
Land or Water;
choice displays in light
color while the other displays in a dark color.
Tracks - Saved Tracks and Track Log:
Scale options;
‘Auto’, or 20 ft.-500 miles, sets the maximum scale at
which the feature should appear on the screen. Some
types of data will display only to certain zoom scales.
Goto Line:
Bearing or Course.
Map Features - Points of Interest, Waypoints, Street
Label, and Land Cover,
Scale options;
‘Off’, ‘Auto’, or
20 ft.-500 miles, sets the maximum scale at which
the feature should appear on the screen. Some types
of data will display only to certain zoom scales.
Text - Points of Interest, Waypoints, Street Label, and
Land Cover,
Text sizes;
‘None’, ‘Small’, ‘Medium’, or
‘Large’ control the screen size of the name.
MapSource Info - Show,
Check box
; check mark
determines if map data is used or not. Options Menu
allows you to choose to show all, show none or show
specific MapSource Data. See also page 66..
Setup Options
Map Data
rino120_10.indd 19 9/13/2002, 3:27:44 PM