The Find Menu allows you to Find stored locations
(waypoints and contacts) and map items (cities, exits,
etc.). They can be found by name or by those nearest to
your current location. If you are using Rino compatible
Garmin MapSource detailed mapping data, the list of
Find locations is expanded to include categories for
Points of Interest, Street Addresses, and Intersections.
To access the Find Menu:
1. Use the Thumb Stick to highlight the Main Pages
button and then press it In to display the list of
Main pages.
2. Highlight Main Menu and press In to display the
Main Menu.
From the Main Menu, highlight the Find icon and
press the Thumb Stick in to display the Find Menu.
Categories can be listed in several different ways:
By Name, Nearest Current Location, and Nearest a
Referenced Map location. The
By Name list contains
every item in the map database for the selected category,
while the Nearest lists contains only those items that are
near to your Current Location or a referenced location.
The distance defined by “Nearest” varies because it
is determined by the density of items near you in the
selected category. There are more restaurants near you
than cites for example.
These pages are structured with a set of sub-menus and
location information pages that guide you through the
process of Finding locations.
Find Menu
52 Rino
520/530 Owner’s Manual