Page 6-14 G3X Installation Manual – Antennas
Revision A 190-01115-01
6.5 ARINC 743 Footprint Antenna Installation (GA 55A, GA 57X)
This section describes the structural mounting of the ARINC 743 footprint antenna (GA 55A, GA 57X)
installation. One acceptable method is to use Garmin P/N: 115-00846-00 doubler plate. Another
acceptable method is to fabricate and install one of three doublers, Figure 6-14, Figure 6-15, or Figure 6-
16, depending on the thickness of the skin. The three doubler designs vary only by number of rivets and
hole preparation for installation with flush rivets. Figure 6-24 shows installation of the ARINC 743
footprint antenna.
Table 6-6 provides a summary of design and installation details for the antenna doubler. Figure 6-17
shows an example of the doubler installed between stringers on the top fuselage skin, just off centerline.
The location should be flat, with no gaps between the skin and doubler, to keep from deforming the skin
during installation.
Table 6-6. ARINC 743 Footprint Antenna Doubler Design and Installation
Skin Thickness 0.032” to 0.049” 0.049” to 0.051” 0.051” to 0.063”
Doubler Design (Figure)
Figure 6-14 Figure 6-15 Figure 6-16
Number of Rivets Required
12 16 16
Type of Rivets Required
MS20426AD4-x MS20426AD4-x MS20426AD4-x
Skin Preparation for Rivets
Dimple Dimple Countersink
Doubler Preparation for Rivets
Countersink Countersink None
Skin Cutout Detail (GA 55A)
Figure 6-18 Figure 6-19 Figure 6-20
Doubler Installation (Figure)
Figure 6-21 Figure 6-22 Figure 6-23
1. Rivet length determined at installation, dependent on thickness of material (rivet length = grip length +
1.5*rivet diameter)
6.5.1 Preparation of Doubler
1. Use Garmin P/N: 115-00846-00, or refer to Table 6-6 for guidance on selecting the appropriate
doubler drawing based on the thickness of skin at the antenna location. Make the doubler from
2024-T3 Aluminum (AMS-QQ-A-250/5), 0.063” sheet thickness.
2. For installation in aircraft skins of thickness less than 0.051”, countersink the rivet holes in the
doubler for use with flush head rivets (MS20426AD4-x).
3. When using Garmin P/N: 115-00846-00 doubler, sixteen rivet holes exist in the part. For
installation of Garmin P/N: 115-00846-00 in skins of thickness between 0.032” and 0.049”, only
the rivets identified for use through the skin cutout detail (Figure 6-18) and doubler installation
(Figure 6-21) are required.