190-00607-06 Rev D
WSI Addendum
WSI InFlight Flight Information Service (FIS) Function
The Flight Information Service (FIS) Function allows access to graphic and text weather data messages on
WSI InFlight-equipped installations. Graphical weather includes US and Canadian radar, METARs, winds aloft,
temperature aloft, lightning strikes, warning areas, and TAFs. You can select Graphical WX, Text, or Status infor-
mation by pressing the MENU/ENT key and then choosing the type of information with the MENU ITEM keys.
Review the Limitations section in the Pilot’s Guide Introduction for the limitations that apply to the FIS data.
Product Times
Product times shown on the lower portion of the display are: GM for Graphical METARs, RD for weather radar,
ETP for EchoTops, LTG for Lightning, PRP for PIREPs, TFR for Temporary Flight Restrictions, WND for Winds
Aloft, and TMP for Temperature Aloft, ICE for Icing, and WB for Warning Boxes (Airmets and Sigmets). Times are
Zulu times when the data was assembled on the ground, not the time the data was received by the FIS sensor.
For GMX 200s that have a GPS receiver that provides time, the Zulu time is the time reported by the GPS
receiver. For GMX 200s that do not have time provided by a GPS receiver, this field is invalid and dashed out.
Product times are shown in white when they are 0 to 5 minutes old, gray when they are 5 to 10 minutes old,
and yellow when they are older than 10 minutes. For GMX 200s that have time available from a GPS receiver,
age is based on the time reported by the GPS receiver. For GMX 200s that do not have time available from a GPS
receiver, age is based on the time the data was received from the FIS sensor. In this case, the age of the data may
be older than what is shown by the color coding. The WSI logo on the right is displayed when new data is being
transferred from the WSI receiver to the GMX 200.
WSI FIS Graphic Weather Product Times
Winds Aloft
Graphical METARs Weather Radar Echo Tops Warning Boxes
Zulu Time
Winds Aloft Altitude
Temporary Flight Restrictions PIREPs Lightning