190-00356-00 Rev E
If ATC directs you to make a change, recheck each
element again.
Points to Remember for Localizer or VOR-
based Approaches
• ThedefaultfactorysettingallowstheCDIoutput
to automatically switch from the GPS receiver to
the LOC receiver. This may be changed to manual
insomeinstallations.Ifthe“ILSCDISelection” set-
ting is changed to “Manual”, you must determine
the final course segment from Final Approach Fix
(FAF) to MAP.
NOTE: Installations with certain autopilots, such
as the KAP 140 and KFC225, do not allow auto-
matic ILS CDI switching.
NOTE: GPS level of service annunciations (LPV,
ENR, etc.) are not applicable to the external CDI
(or HSI) when VLOC is active.
• IftheCDI output has not automatically switched
from GPS to ILS upon reaching the FAF, you must
manuallyswitchtotheVLOC receiver by pressing
the CDIkey.Verifythat“VLOC”isdisplayeddirectly
above to the CDI key.
• Automatic switchingof CDIoutputis available
maticCDIswitchingisnot available for backcourse
• Whenyinganapproachwiththeautopilot coupled,
you must monitor system functions at all times and
capture and track the approach course. Switching
autopilot enough time to respond and intercept the
approach course prior to the FAF (depending upon
the performance characteristics of your autopilot and
aircraft). In such instances, you should manually fly
the approach or refer to the documentation provided
with your autopilot.
• WhenanILSorVORapproachisrstselectedor
executed, the frequency is automatically checked.
If the frequency is correct, you will not receive a
message regarding the frequency. If the frequency
is incorrect, you will receive a message and you
frequency field.
• When flying a localizer-based approach
(otherthan backcourse)with automaticCDI
switching enabled:
1. “GPS” guidance may be used while flying
outbound and on the initial portion of the
procedure turn.
2. “VLOC” guidance is used on the remainder of
the approach from the time you turn inbound
on the procedure turn.
3. The localizer frequency must be active to use
“VLOC” guidance at the MAP. Press the CDI
key to switch back to GPS data when the
missed approach is initiated.
Points to Remember