190-00356-01 Rev E
NRST Group
Nearest Airport
Nearest Intersection
Nearest NDB Nearest VOR
Nearest User Wpt
Nearest Center
Nearest FSS
Nearest Airspace
AUX Group
Flight Planning
Utility Setup 1 Setup 2
Airport Location
WPT Group
Airport Runway Airport Frequency
Airport Approach
Airport Arrival Airport Departure
NDB VOR User Waypoint
The Procedures pages are selected by pressing
the PROC key and using the small or large
right knobs to select a procedure.
Flight plan pages are selected by pressing the
FPL key and using the small right knob to
select the desired page.
FPL Group
Active Flight Plan Flight Plan Catalog
(Small right knob to select pages within the group)
(Large right knob to change page groups)
Five, or more, NAV pages are available when the unit’s
installation includes connection to traffic and/or weather
information sources.
Default NAV
Satellite Status VNAV
NAV Group
Selection of any main page is performed using the large
and small right knobs. When the GPS window cursor is
off, the large right knob selects the page group: NAV, WPT,
AUX or NRST. The small right knob selects the desired page
within a group. To quickly select the Default NAV Page, press
and hold the CLR key.