190-00356-00 Rev E
Nearest Airport
Nearest Airport
You may examine both the communication
frequencies and runway information directly from
the nearest airport page. As discussed earlier for the
NAVCOM page, you may also place any displayed
highlighting the frequency with the cursor and press-
ing ENT.
To view additional information for a nearby air-
port from the Nearest Airport page:
1. Press the small right knob to activate the
2. Turn the large right knob to select the desired
airport from the list.
3. Press ENT to display waypoint (WPT) informa-
tion pages for the selected airport.
Additional information for a nearby airport
is available by highlighting an identifier on
the list and pressing ENT.
4. To display runway and frequency informa-
tion, press the small right knob to remove
the cursor and turn the small right knob to
display the desired information page.
The nearest airport page may be used in conjunc-
tion with the direct-to key to quickly set a course to
a nearby facility in an in-flight emergency. Selecting a
nearby airport as a direct-to destination will override
your flight plan or cancel a previously selected direct-
to destination. You’ll still have the option of returning
to your flight plan by cancelling the direct-to.
To select a nearby airport as a direct-to destina-
From the nearest airport page...
1. Press the small right knob to activate the
2. Turn the large right knob to select the desired
airport from the list.
3. Press direct-to, ENT, and ENT (again) to
navigate to the nearby airport.
To select a nearby airport as a new destina-
tion, highlight its identifier, press
ENT, and ENT
From an airport information page...
1. Press direct-to, ENT, and ENT (again) to
navigate to the nearby airport.