190-00356-00 Rev E
Vectors-To-Final Approach
10. As you cross the FAF, the destination sequences
to the MAP (“RW22”, the runway threshold).
With the needle centered, fly toward the MAP,
observing the altitude minimums dictated by
the approach plate. When viewing the map
page, you’ll note that the final course segment
is displayed in magenta (the active leg of the
flight plan always appears in magenta) and
a dashed line extends the course beyond the
11. As you approach the MAP, a waypoint alert
(“ARRIVING WPT”) will appear in the lower
right corner. CDI scaling continues to tighten
from 0.3 NM to 350 feet, full-scale deflec-
12. As you cross the MAP, “SUSP” will appear
above the OBS key, indicating that automatic
sequencing of approach waypoints will be
suspended at the MAP. A “from” indication
will be displayed on the CDI and default NAV
page, but course guidance along the final
approach course will continue. Do NOT follow
this extended course. Follow published missed
approach procedures using the OBS key to
initiate the missed approach sequence.
Vectors to Final
arc, ATC tells you to expect vectors onto the final
approach course. There are several ways to select “vec-
tors to final” with the 400W-series unit. The first two
options below will normally require the least workload
to accomplish:
TORS” from the transitions window.
the transitions window. When cleared, press
•Loadthefullapproach.Usethedirect-to key (by
pressing it twice) from the active flight plan page
to select the desired leg of the approach.
To select “VECTORS” from the transitions window:
1. Select Billard Municipal (KTOP) as your desti-
nation, using the direct-to key, or as the last
waypoint in a flight plan.
2. Press the PROC key and select the “VOR 22”
3. From the transitions window, select “VEC-