Bottom Row Keys
The nearest (NRST) key (GPS 500W)
displays the Nearest Airports page. Then,
turning the small right knob steps through
the NRST pages.
The course deviation indicator (CDI) key
(GNS 530W) is used to toggle the navigation
source (GPS or VLOC) that provides output
to an external HSI or CDI.
The omni-bearing selector (OBS) key is
used for two functions: to activate OBS selec-
tion and as a suspend key.
As a Suspend key, it is used to select manual
or automatic sequencing of waypoints.
Pressing this key selects SUSP mode, which
retains the current “active to” waypoint as
your navigation reference even after passing
the waypoint (i.e., prevents sequencing to the
next waypoint). Pressing the OBS key again
returns to normal operation, with automatic
sequencing of waypoints.
Whenever OBS mode is selected, you may set
the desired course to/from a waypoint using
the OBS Page, or an external OBS selector on
your HSI or CDI.
The message (MSG) key is used to view
system messages, important warnings, and
The flight plan (FPL) key allows you to
create, edit, activate and invert flight plans,
as well as access approaches, departures and
arrivals. A closest-point-to-flight-plan feature
is also available from the flight plan key.
The vertical navigation (VNAV) key allows
you to create a three-dimensional profile
which guides you to a final (target) altitude at
a specified location.
The procedures (PROC) key allows you to
select approaches, departures and arrivals
from your flight plan. When using a flight
plan, available procedures for your departure
and/or arrival airport are offered automati-
cally. Otherwise, you may select the desired
airport, then the desired procedure.
GPS 500W GNS 530W