2) Input current: 120 mA typical 140 mA max -LVx versions, 20 mA while in power down.
870mW typical 1000mW max -HVx version, 300uA while in power down.
3) Backup power: 3V Rechargeable Lithium cell battery, up to 6 month charge.
4) Power Down Input: 2.7V threshold
1.4.4 Performance
1) Tracks up to 12 satellites (up to 11 with PPS active)
2) Update rate: 1 second
3) Acquisition time
- 15 seconds warm (all data known)
- 45 seconds cold (initial position, time and
almanac known, ephemeris unknown)
- 5.0 minutes AutoLocate TM (almanac known,
initial position and time unknown)
- 5 minutes search the sky (no data known)
4) Position accuracy:
Differential GPS (DGPS): 5 meters RMS
Non-differential GPS: 15 meters RMS (100 meters with Selective Availability on)
5) Velocity accuracy: 0.2 m/s RMS steady state (subject to Selective Availability)
6) Dynamics: 999 knots velocity, 6g dynamics
7) One-pulse-per-second accuracy: +/-1 microsecond at rising edge of PPS pulse (subject to Selective
1.4.5 Interfaces
1) Dual channel CMOS/TTL level (-xVC versions) or RS-232 compatible level (-xVS versions), with
user selectable baud rate (300, 600,1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200)
2) NMEA 0183 Version 2.0 ASCII output (GPALM, GPGGA, GPGSA, GPGSV, GPRMC, GPVTG,
- Initial position, date and time (not required)
- Earth datum and differential mode configuration command, PPS Enable, almanac
- Position, velocity and time
- Receiver and satellite status
- Differential Reference Station ID and RTCM Data age
- Geometry and error estimates
3) Real-time Differential Correction input (RTCM SC-104 message types 1,2,3 and 9)