Remember! The NAV pages will only display infor-
mation AFTER the position and navigational infor-
mation has been calculated from the satellites. If you
are on the position page before the unit has calculat-
ed a position, you will be able to enter an approxi-
mate position and altitude. This is helpful in speeding
satellite acquisition if the unit has moved a great dis-
tance with the power off.
If you are not sure the GPS is actively calculating
position, check the receiver status field for ‘2D NAV’
or ‘3D NAV’ by pressing the N key and rotating
the outer knob until the satellite status page appears.
The current receiver status is displayed at the top left
of the page.
Section 1
Navigation Key
The GPS 155XL features seven navigation pages to provide various position,
course, speed, status and planning information. The pages may be viewed by pressing
key and rotating the outer knob, or by pressing the
key repeatedly.
The NAV summary, map, NAVCOM and position pages are the primary pages
used during in-flight navigation, while the nav menu and status pages offer access to
planning, calculation and status functions. Note that rotating the outer knob clock-
wise will continuously cycle through all the nav pages, whereas turning the knob
counterclockwise will stop the page selection sequence at the NAV summary page.
Whenever the
key pages are in use, the indicator light (U) next to the
key will illuminate. If the GPS 155XL requires you to enter data on a navigation page,
a message prompt with specific instructions will appear and the indicator will flash. If
you leave the NAV page sequence for another set of pages, the last NAV page dis-
played will reappear when you return to the nav sequence.
NAV Summary Page
NAV Menu 2
Position Page
NAV Menu 1
Map Page
Satellite Status Page
155xlb manual 1/12/99 4:05 PM Page 10