
Immediately after activating a route, the Active Route Page will be displayed.
This page displays the leg number (L1 to L8, meaning legs 1 through 8 of the
selected route, or AL meaning the active leg), the two waypoints composing
the leg, the desired track between the two waypoints, and the enroute
distance and time from your present position to the to waypoint.
Notice the ALin the above illustration. This indicates the displayed leg is
the active leg, where FMYR is the active fromwaypoint and KWST is the
active towaypoint. (NOTE: When activating a route, check the active leg
to be sure you agree with the selection. If not, use the GOTO function to
select the active towaypoint you desire.) You may view additional route
legs by pressing the left or right arrow key while the cursor is under the to
To add a waypoint to the active route...
· Use the cursor under the to waypoint, press the arrow keys to scroll
through the waypoints until the waypoint where you wish to insert the
new waypoint appears.
· Enter the waypoint name. The existing waypoints will shift to the right
to make room for the new waypoint.
To delete a waypoint from the active route...
· With the cursor under the to waypoint, press the arrow keys to scroll
through the waypoints until the waypoint you wish to delete appears.
· Press CLR followed by ENT to delete the waypoint.