
2008/2108 Owner’s Manual
in s Ta l l i n g Th e Un i T
Connecting to a NMEA device
You can connect the unit to other NMEA compatible
wiring diagram on page 41 for connecting the unit to
NMEA compatible devices.
To install the wiring harness to a GPS or
other NMEA device:
1. Follow the voltage source installation steps
(see page 40). For Garmin units, the ground
(Black) wires serve as NMEA ground and must
be attached together or on the same terminal.
Refer to the wiring diagram of your GPS unit
for wire identication.
2. Connect the Blue (NMEA Out 1) wire from the
unit to the NMEA In wire on the NMEA unit’s
wiring harness, and the brown (NMEA In 1)
wire to the NMEA Out wire on the NMEA unit’s
wiring harness.
3. Repeat step 2 using the Grey and Violet wires
for an additional NMEA unit.
4. Set the unit’s serial port(s) to use NMEA In/
Interfacing with NMEA
The unit allows for NMEA 0183, Version 3.01 output
with a compatible GPS or navigation device. You
must set the unit’s serial port(s) to NMEA In/NMEA
Out to send data and receive data
sentences are sent and received in NMEA 0183,
Version 3.01.
You can purchase complete information about
National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA)
format and sentences from:
Seven Riggs Avenue
Installing the Unit to a Garmin CANet
GPSMAP 2008 is a CANet-compatible Garmin device,
and can send or receive sonar information from another
CANet-compatable Garmin device. Using the CANet
optimizes the performance of CANet-compatible
units, allowing sonar information from a Sounder
compatible Garmin GPS units. A standard NMEA
connection only allows depth, temperature, and speed