Page 7-6 G3X Installation Manual – Software, Configuration, Databases, and XM Activation
Revision A 190-01115-01
7.4.3 W/B (Weight/Balance) Configuration Page
The W/B Configuration Page allows setting the weight and balance parameters for the airplane, these
parameters are then used on the Main Menu W/B Page in normal mode. Weight/Balance may be used
during pre-flight preparations to verify the weight and balance conditions of the aircraft. By entering the
weight and arm values into the Aircraft window, the GDU 37X can calculate the total weight, moment,
and center of gravity (CG).
Before entering the various figures, the empty weight of the airplane and the arm (or “station”) for each
weight should be determined. These figures should be determined using the pilot’s operating handbook
for the airplane, which also notes the weight limitations and fore/aft CG limits. Compare those figures to
the values calculated by the GDU 37X.
Each station listed in the Station window has an editable name and arm location. This allows the setting
of the units of measure used for that station (weight, or units of avgas or jet fuel). An optional maximum
value can be set for a particular station (e.g. a fuel tank might have a max capacity of 50 gallons) or the
max can be set to zero so that no maximum will be imposed.
The LOADING LIMITS window contains fields for the entry of minimum and maximum aircraft weight,
and the minimum and maximum CG location.
1. In configuration mode, use the FMS Joystick to select the W/B Page.
2. Use the FMS Joystick to select the desired configurable item and make the desired change,
then press the ENT Key or use the FMS Joystick to select the next item.
3. To create a new station, press the NEW softkey, enter the name, units, max weight, and arm,
then highlight DONE and press the ENT key.
4. To edit or delete a station, highlight the desired station, then press the edit or delete softkey.
5. Press the FMS Joystick to move the cursor to the page selection menu when finished.