Page 7-14 G3X Installation Manual – Software, Configuration, Databases, and XM Activation
Revision A 190-01115-01
all obstacles are necessarily charted and therefore may not be contained in the obstacle database. This
database is updated on a 56-day cycle.
The SafeTaxi database contains detailed airport diagrams for selected airports. These diagrams aid in
following ground control instructions by accurately displaying the aircraft position on the map in relation
to taxiways, ramps, runways, terminals, and services. This database is updated on a 56-day cycle, and has
no expiration date.
The FliteCharts database contains terminal procedure charts for the United States only. This database is
updated on a 28-day cycle. If not updated within 180 days of the expiration date, FliteCharts will no
longer be user-accessible.
AOPA Airport Directory
The AOPA Airport Directory provides data on airports and heliports throughout the U.S. and offers
detailed information for over 5,300 U. S. airports, along with the names and phone numbers of thousands
of FBOs. Look up taxi services, plan an overnight, and choose fuel stops; plus find ground transportation,
lodging, restaurants, local attractions, and more. This database is updated on a quarterly cycle, and has no
expiration date.
7.6 XM Activation Instructions (GDU 375 only)
Follow the below instructions to activate the XM receiver in the GDU 375.
Before XM Satellite Weather can be used, the service must be activated by calling XM at 1.800.985.9200.
Service is activated by providing XM Satellite Radio with a Radio ID. XM Satellite Radio uses the Radio
ID to send an activation signal that allows the G3X MFD to display weather data an/or entertainment
programming. XM service should activate in 45 to 60 minutes.
1. The Radio ID can be displayed by accessing the XM Audio Page, and then pressing the INFO
Softkey. Record the Radio ID for reference during XM Activation.
2. Make sure that the aircraft's XM antenna has an unobstructed view of the southern sky. It is
highly recommended that the aircraft be outside of and away from the hangar.
3. Hook up the aircraft to external power if available. The complete activation process may take 45-
60 minutes or more, depending on the demand on the XM activation system.
4. Power on the avionics and allow the G3X to power up. Do not power cycle the units during the
activation process.
5. Go to the XM Info Page. During the activation process the unit may display several different
activation levels, this is normal and should be ignored. When the service class (Aviator Lite,
Aviator, or Aviator Pro) and all of the weather products for the class that you subscribed to are
displayed, the activation is complete. Wait 30 seconds to allow the GDU 375 to store the
activation before removing power.