Can I use the eTrex indoors?
No. The DEMO mode is available, but we suggest that only dealers
use it.
Do I need to subscribe to a service to use the eTrex?
No. The GPS satellites are owned by the United States Department
of Defense (DoD) and have been funded by U.S. taxpayers’ dollars.
Reception of GPS satellite signals is free to everyone.
Does the eTrex work anywhere in the world and in any
How accurate is a GARMIN GPS?
The eTrex is accurate to within 15 meters without the DoD-imposed
Selective Availability (S/A). Using differential techniques, the eTrex
can be as accurate as 1-5 meters. The eTrex is accurate to within
100 meters under S/A.
Another factor that will effect the accuracy of the GPS receiver is
the geometry of the satellites in view of the GPS receiver. A poor
geometry situation can provide less accurate position readings, and
this especially applies to GPS altitude measurements. The altitude
reading on the GPS unit can vary by +/- 450 ft. depending on the
level of degradation being imposed under S/A. It is not uncommon
to see the altitude continuously drift up and down when S/A is
being imposed.
Why can’t I see the display in the daylight?
Adjust the contrast (see page 9).
Why can’t I interface my computer with the eTrex?
Make sure that you have the correct INPUT/OUTPUT format
selected on your eTrex.
What Grid Formats does the eTrex Support?
(degrees, decimal degrees)
mm.mm (degrees, minutes, decimal minutes)
mm’ss.s (degrees, minutes, seconds, decimal seconds)
British Grid
Dutch Grid
Appendix G
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