
Position Polling - Overview
The Rino’s most unique feature is being able to
manually poll (or query) the location of another Rino.
With polling enabled and a GPS position, Rino users can
determine each other’s location from either their Map or
the Contact Details pages. This feature allows you to track
the movement of other Rino users and even navigate to
their location. This information will be available to all
other Rino users that are monitoring the same channel and
code. Location polls may only be sent from a single
Rino once every 30 seconds, due to FCC restrictions.
However, a single Rino may be queried by multiple Rinos
with no restrictions.
Polling only recognizes the user symbol and fi rst 4
characters of the ‘My ID’ name for each contact. If two
Rino’s fi rst 4 name characters and user symbols are identi-
cal, the wrong unit may respond to a poll. Use either
different characters in the fi rst 4 spaces of the name or a
different user symbol to ensure proper polling response.
With polling disabled on a radio, it is still possible to poll
other Rinos (if they are enabled).
To enable/disable polling:
1. From the Radio Page, highlight the Option Menu
on-screen button at the top of the display screen and
then press IN on the THUMB STICK to open the
2. Highlight ‘Setup Radio’ and then press IN on the
3. Highlight the field below ‘Respond To Polling’ and
press IN on the THUMB STICK.
4. Choose ‘On’ to enable or ‘Off’ to disable polling and
press IN on the THUMB STICK.
In order to poll a position from another Rino, they
must fi rst be established as a Contact. A poll request may
only be sent once every 30 seconds. The Peer-To-Peer
On/Location Ready to Send fl ag will appear in the top
Status Bar when the unit is ready to poll.
To poll the position of another Rino user:
1. From the Map Page, highlight the desired contact of
the Contact Bar with the THUMB STICK. (contd.)
Position Reporting
Position Polling
FCC regulations prohibit auto-
matic or timed interval polling.
Polling must be manually
initiated by the querying Rino
unit. Peer-to-peer position
reporting (see pg. 12) must
be manually initiated by the
transmitting radio.
Polling a Contact from the
Contact Details page.