120 Owner’s Manual 31
Text Setup
Points of Interest, Waypoints, Street Label, and Land
Cover—None, Small, Medium, or Large; control the
screen size of the name.
Map Data Setup
Show—Check box; check mark determines if map data is
used or not. Option Menu allows you to choose to show
all, show none, or show specific MapSource data. See
also the “Appendix.”
Measuring Distance
To use the Measure Distance option:
1. Select Measure Distance from the Option Menu
and then press the Thumb Stick In to display
the Panning Arrow. Ref displays under the arrow.
2. Use the
Thumb Stick to move about on the Map
Page until you reach the point to which you want
to measure. A new Map Pointer field displays
showing the location of the pointer and the
direction and distance from where you began the
3. To begin measuring from a different point, press
the Thumb Stick In at the desired location.
4. To stop measuring, press the Page key.
Measuring distance
Map Pointer Field