Appendix E
The StreetPilot uses an on-screen message system to alert you to unit operating characteristics. Press
the ENTER key to acknowledge and return to the page you were viewing.
Battery Power is Low - The batteries in your unit are low and no longer capable of supporting unit operation. Install new batteries.
Data Card Checksum Failure - There is an error in the unit’s database. Service is required.
Data Transfer Complete - The unit has finished uploading or downloading information to the connected device.
Leaving Planned Route - You are no longer traveling along the planned route. Make corrections as necessary.
Memory Battery Power is Low - The power that sustains user memory is low and should be replaced by an authorized service center as soon as possible
No Differential GPS Position - The beacon receiver is not communicating with the unit. Go to the ‘Interface’ setup page to view status messages.
No Matching Addresses Found - There is no such address in the map information database. Check spelling or number entry and try again.
No Matching Intersections Found - There is no such intersection in the map information database. Check spelling and try again.
Poor Satellite Reception - The unit cannot receive enough satellite signals to compute a position. Move to a location with a clearer view of the sky.
Power Down and Re-init - The unit cannot calculate a position due to abnormal satellite conditions. Turn off and try again at a different location.
RAM Failed - The unit has detected a failure in its internal memory. If the message persists, service is required.
Receiver Has Failed - The unit has detected a failure. “Power Down and Re-Init: message will appear. If problem persists, service is required.
Received Invalid Waypoint -A waypoint was received during upload transfer that has an invalid identifier.
Degraded Accuracy - Accuracy has been degraded beyond 500 meters due to poor satellite geometry or data quality. Use other sources to verify position.
Oscillator Needs Adjustment - The unit has detected excessive drift in its internal crystal oscillator. Take the unit to an authorized service center.
ROM Failed - The permanent memory has failed and the unit is not operable. Service is required.
Route Memory Full - No additional waypoints can be added.
Route Waypoint Was Deleted - The waypoint being deleted was part of a route. The waypoint is removed from the route and waypoint memory.
Speed Warning - Your current speed has exceeded the speed alarm setting.
Stored Data Was Lost - All waypoints, routes, time, and almanac data have been lost due to battery failure, or the receiver’s memory has been cleared.
Too Many Turns - You have entered more turns in the route than the memory can hold. Restructure your route.
Unknown Data Card Format - The unit does not recognize the format for the Map Data information you are downloading. Check data and settings.
Using Sim for Faster Data Transfer - While using a MapSource program, simulator mode is automatically selected to speed data transfer.
Waypoint Memory Full - All 100 personal waypoints have been assigned.