
zūmo 400/450 Owner’s Manual 
traffic inforMation
traffic inforMation
Your zūmo can receive and use trafc
information using an optional FM
TMC (Trafc Message Channel)
trafc receiver. When a trafc message
is received, your zūmo displays the
incident on the map and can change your
route to avoid the trafc incident.
NOTE: Garmin is not
responsible for the accuracy of
the trafc information. The trafc
receiver simply receives signals
from the trafc service provider
and displays that information on
your zūmo.
Trafc icon for North America
Trafc icon for Europe
Viewing Trafc Incidents
NOTE: You can only access the
trafc information if the zūmo
is connected to a trafc receiver
(see page 41).
1. On the Menu page, touch >
Trafc to show trafc incidents.
2. Select an item to view details.
3. Select an option.
Avoiding Trafc
The Map page displays or when
there is a trafc incident on your current
route or on the road on which you are
1. From the Map page, touch or