Magnum 1000 Workgroup Hubs Installation and User Guide (04/02)
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Workgroup Hub
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num 1000
Workgroup Hub
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num 1000
Workgroup Hub
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num 1000
Workgroup Hub
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be in plain view and easy to read. Rack-mount installation requires special rack-
mounted brackets and screws (included with each 1000 series unit). The brackets attach
to the front sides of the Hub, which is then fastened into a standard 19” rack.
The 23” brackets and ETSI brackets are also available (optional) for Rack-
mounting purpose with Magnum 1000 Series Hubs. The 23”
brackets are more popular in
TELCO Industry and
consider as a standard for
Rack-mounting purpose. The
23” brackets are mainly being
used for Huge rack-mounting
frame to provide more secure
and stability to the unit in the
TELCO industry.
(European standard) brackets
are moreover looks similar to
the 23”
brackets and mostly used in
the ETSI standard industry.
The optional 23” brackets
and the ETSI brackets
come in a package along
with the necessary screws for the convenient to the customer.
The Magnum 1000 Workgroup Hubs operate as full-function Ethernet
repeaters. They are compliant with IEEE 802.3 specifications for CSMA/CD 10 Mbps
operation, and support standard IEEE defined media inclusive of 10BASE-T, 10BASE-
FL, FOIRL, 10BASE2, and 10BASE5. The following describes the basic functionality.
4.1 Magnum 1000 Repeater Functionality
Repeater Functionality: Each hub port operates in conjunction with the
controller functions of the Magnum 1000 Hub’s base unit, functioning together as a
fully compliant Ethernet repeater.