Before youcall for service...
Possible Causes What ToDo
Supply line or shutoff • Call a plumben
valve is clogged.
Water filter dogged. • Replace filter cartridge or remove filter and install plug.
Dispenser is LOCKED. • Press and hold the LOCK CONTROLpad tot 3 seconds.
Last setting was • A few cubes were left in the crusher from the prexdous
CRUSHEDICE. setting. This is normal.
Foods transmitting • Foods with strong odors should be tightly wrapped.
odor to refrigerator. • Keep an open box of baking soda in tile refrigerator;
replace every three months.
Interior needs cleaning. • See Care and cleaning.
Not umtstml during • Wipe surface dry.
periods of high humidity.
Too frequent or too
long door openings.
No power at outlet. * Replace fuse or reset the breaker:
Light bulb burned out. • See Replacing the light bulbs.
Cubes jammed in chute. • Poke ice through with a wooden spoon.
Normal air flow cooling
motor. In the refrigeration
process, it is normal that
heat be expelled in the
area under the refrigerator.
Some floor coverings
are sensitive and will
discolor at these normal
and safe temperatures.
Adaptive defrost keeps * This is normal. The refrigerator will cycle off after the
compressor framing during door remains closed J[br 2 hours.
door openings.
Door is open. • Close dool:
Door gasket on hinge side • Apply paraffin wax to the face of the gasket.
sticking or folding over.
A door bin is hitting a shelf • Move the door bin up one position.
inside the refrigerator.