Jumper Settings
The jumpers that enable/disable optional control features are located on the right
side of the main circuit board (see page 4). The factory default for all functions is
"disabled" (each jumper will be on a single pin). To "enable" a function, simply take
the designated jumper and place it over both pins.
COOLING: A high voltage relay for filter pump control is usually required to
implement this function. If Cooling is enabled, the Aqua Solar will cool the pool by
turning on the filter pump and diverting the flow through the collector array when-
ever the "POOL" temperature is WARMER than the “Desired Temperature” setting
AND the "SOLAR" sensor is COOLER than the pool water.
RECIRCULATE FREEZE PROTECTION: A high voltage relay connected to
the "FILTER PUMP" output and the AUX temperature sensor are required to imple-
ment this function. If enabled, the Aqua Solar will turn the filter pump on and oper-
ate the solar diverter valve whenever freezing conditions are detected (AUX sensor
below 35ºF). See diagram on page 6 for typical relay wiring. When recirculate
freeze protection is enabled and the Aqua Solar senses a freeze condition at the AUX
sensor, it will circulate the pool water continuously through the entire filtration plumb-
ing loop including the solar collector panels. While this type of freeze protection is
usually adequate in relatively mild climates, it is extremely important that the AUX
sensor be properly placed and that the homeowner realize that the system is unpro-
tected in the event of a power failure. Goldline Controls highly recommends that
one or more “freeze snap switches” (model GC-3) be placed in areas with suscep-
tible plumbing (example: areas that may be shaded, or get more wind exposure) and
that these sensors be wired in series with the AUX sensor. Recirculate freeze pro-
tection is NOT recommended in climates where freezing temperatures are com-
mon or last for extended periods.
WARNING--If recirculate freeze protection is NOT selected, then you are rely-
ing on the collectors naturally draining to provide freeze protection. It is very
important that you use a non-positive seal valve or drill a hole in the diverter of
a positive seal valve to allow the collectors to drain. This will NOT work if the
collectors are located below the water level of the pool.
CELSIUS DISPLAY: This will change the temperature display to degrees--Cel-
sius. The factory default is degrees--Fahrenheit.
SOLAR OVERRIDE: A high voltage relay connected to the "FILTER PUMP"
output is required to implement this function. When "Solar Override" is enabled,
the Aqua Solar will override the filter pump timeclock (external timeclock for AQ-
SOL-LV or internal timeclock for AQ-SOL-LV-TC) and turn the filter pump on when-
ever there is a call for solar heating or cooling. During periods of on/off cloudy days
this may result in the pump turning on and off multiple times. It is also possible that
the pump could turn on during hot night conditions. To prevent rapid on/off cycling
of the filter pump during cloudy conditions, the pump will also remain on for a
minimum of 10 minutes, and will remain off for a minimum of 2 hours.