You can change the USB and serial format settings
from the Interface tab. Do not change any of the other
settings unless you are an authorized Garmin installer
for the StreetPilot 2650.
Interface tab--StreetPilot 2650 Only
The Interface tab only appears on the StreetPilot 2650 with Dead Reckoning (DR) sensors. Most of
the information included in this tab is provided for and should be used only by authorized Garmin
installers who must install the Dead Reckoning (DR) cable for your StreetPilot 2650. If necessary, you can
customize the bottom-row settings on this tab (USB Format and Serial Format).
Your StreetPilot 2650 is set up to transfer data via a USB connection. If you need to use a serial port
connection, change the settings below as necessary:
USB Format – If you are using the Garmin USB cable to transfer data, keep USB Format set to Garmin.
Change it to None only if you plan to use a serial cable instead of USB.
Serial Format – If you are using the Garmin USB cable to transfer data, keep Serial Format set to None.
If you plan to use a serial cable, choose from one of the available settings below:
• Garmin: The proprietary format used to exchange waypoint, route, track log data with a PC
via serial connection. Use this format for software updates and to save mapping software to the
StreetPilot’s CF card.
• NMEA: Supports the input/output of standard NMEA 0183 version 3.01 data.
• Text Out: Supports a standardized, fixed-column ASCII output with data for position, track, speed,
• None: Provides no interfacing capabilities.
Note: Only the USB or the serial cable can be used at one time; you cannot use both at once. Thus, either
USB Format or Serial Format must be set to None.
Setting USB/Serial Formats
StreetPilot 2650 Only