
USB Data
Daily Log
The daily log file name is 3–DAILY.CSV and is stored
in the DATAxxxx folder.
The daily log m
aintains a record of the total cycle
and volume spr
ayed on any day that the system is
powered up. T
he volume units will be the same units
that were use
d in the Job Log.
The following data is stored in this file:
Date that material was sprayed
Time unused column
Total pump cycle count for day
Total volume sprayed for day
System Software Log
The system software file name is 4–SYSTEM.CSV
The syste
m software log lists the following:
Date log was created
Time log was created
Component name
Software version loaded on the above component
Blackbox Log File
The black box file name is 5–BLACKB.CSV and is
stored in the DATAxxxx folder.
The Blackbox l
og maintains a record of how the
system runs an
d the features that are used. This log
will help Gra
co troubleshoot system errors.
System Configuration Settings
The system c
onfiguration settings file name is
A system configuration settings file automatically
downloads each time a USB flash drive is inserted
settings for future recovery or to easily replicate
settings across multiple systems. Refer to the
Upload Procedure, page 92 for instructions on how
to use this file.
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