Table of Contents
iv nüvifone™ A10 owner’s manual
Sending and receiving
messages ...................................53
Sending a text message ..............53
About multimedia messages ......54
Reading messages ......................55
Using email ..................................57
Using Ciao!
Registering your device and
joining Ciao! ..............................61
Changing your display name .......62
Inviting a friend ............................62
Accepting or declining an
invitation ....................................62
Sending a location update ...........63
Automatically sending location
updates .....................................63
Updating your status....................63
Viewing friends ............................63
Adding a friend to contacts ..........64
Sending a message to a friend ...64
Starting a route to a friend’s
location .....................................64
Removing an invitation ................64
Removing a friend .......................65
Hiding and revealing your
location ......................................65
Viewing Ciao! Networks ...............65
Disabling Ciao! ............................65
Browsing the web ......................66
Using the browser........................66
Viewing multiple browser
windows ...................................68
Saving a web page to
Favourites .................................68
Viewing your history ...................68
Sharing a URL .............................69
Opening a web site in a new
window .....................................69
Deleting a web site from a list......69
Setting your browser home
page ..........................................69
Downloading les ........................70
Playing music ............................71
Music player le types .................71