Table of Contents
iv nüvifone A50 Owner’s Manual
Viewing Your Trip Log ..................51
Sending and Receiving
Messages ...................................52
Sending a Text Message .............52
About Multimedia Messages .......53
Reading Messages ......................54
Using Email .................................56
Using Ciao!
Registering Your Device and
Joining Ciao! .............................60
Changing Your Display Name......61
Inviting a Friend ...........................61
Accepting or Declining an
Invitation ....................................61
Sending a Location Update .........61
Automatically Sending Location
Updates .....................................61
Updating Your Status ...................62
Viewing Friends ...........................62
Adding a Friend to Contacts ........62
Sending a Message to a Friend...62
Starting a Route to a Friend’s
Location ...................................63
Removing an Invitation ................63
Removing a Friend ......................63
Hiding Your Location....................63
Viewing Ciao! Networks ...............64
Disabling Ciao! ............................64
Browsing the Web .....................65
Using the Browser .......................65
Viewing Multiple Browser
Windows ...................................66
Saving a Web Page to
Favourites .................................66
Viewing Your History ....................67
Sharing a URL .............................67
Opening a Web Site in a New
Window .....................................67
Deleting a Web Site from a List ...68
Setting Your Browser Home
Page ..........................................68
Downloading Files .......................68