Pressure Relief Procedu re
The system pressure must be manually
relieved to prevent the system from
starting or spraying accidentally. To
reduce the risk of an injur y from accidental spray
from the gun, splashing fluid, or moving parts,
follow the Pressure Relief Procedure whenev er
D areinstructedtorelievethepressure,
D stop spraying,
D check or service any of the system equipment,
D or install or clean the spray nozzle.
1. Lock gun trigger safety.
2. T urn engine ON/OFF switch to OFF.
3. Move pump switch to OFF and turn pressure
control knob fully counterclockwise.
4. Unlock trigger safety. Hold metal part of gun firmly
to side of gr ounded metal pail, and trigger gun to
relieve pressure.
5. Lock gun trigger safety.
6. Open pressure drain valve. Leave open until ready
to spray again.
If you suspect that the spray tip or hose is completely
clogged, or that pressure has not been fully relieved
after following the steps above, VERY SLOWLY l oos-
en tip guard retaining nut or hose end coupling to r e-
lieve pressure gradually, then loosen completely. Now
clear tip or hos e.
Pump Repair Kits
Pump Repair Kit
287512 248212
287513 248213
287579 248213
249122 249123
287928 249189
287929 248213
289590 249123
Tools Needed
12 in. adjustable, open end wrench (2)
Hammer, 20 oz maximum
Small screwdriver
Throat Seal Liquid
Pick or long small screwdriver
Cleaning and In sp ectin g Parts
1. Clean and inspect parts. Pay particular attention to
the ball seats in the intake valve and piston, which
must have no nicks or wear, and to the i nside of
the sleeve and the outside of the piston rod, which
must not be worn or scratched. Replace worn o r
damaged par ts.
Never u se sharp o r pointed tools to
remove sleeve or other components
which could result in pump r upture and
cause serious bodily injury. If the sleeve cannot be
removed easily, return the s leeve and cylinder to
your Graco distributor for removal.
2. Remove and clean the s leeve when you are
repacking the pum p.