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Fluid Packing Rod Removal and Repair
7. Place the packing nut (28c) and o-ring (28f) on the
fluid rod (28a). Flats on the packing nut must be
facing toward the back of the fluid rod.
8. Fill the entire inner cavity of the spacer (28h) with
the dielectric grease included with the gun. Place
the spacer on the fluid rod (28a), in the direction
shown in Fig. 20. Generously apply the grease to
the outside of the spacer.
9. Place the fluid packing (28e), needle packing
(28d), and housing (28b) on the fluid rod (28a), as
shown in Fig. 20.
10. Lightly tighten the packing nut (28c) with the multi-
tool (62). The packing nut is properly tightened
when there is 2 lbs. (9 N) of drag force when slid-
ing the packing housing (28b) assembly along the
shaft. Tighten or loosen the packing nut as need-
11. Lubricate the o-ring (28g).
12. Make sure the spring (30) is installed against the
nut (U) as shown in Fig. 20.
13. Install the fluid packing rod assembly (28) into the
gun barrel. Using the multi-tool (62), tighten the
assembly until just snug.
14. Install the trigger (13) and tighten the trigger
screws (4). See Fig. 19.
15. Install the electrode needle, fluid nozzle and resis-
tor stud assembly and the air cap assembly as
instructed on page 32.
16. Test the gun resistance as instructed on page 28.
Fig. 20
28g 30
28b 28c28d 28
28a 28h U
Apply a very light coat of lubricant to the o-ring (28g).
Fill the inner spacer (28h) cavity with the dielectric grease and generously lubricate the outside of the spacer.
Tighten the packing nut (28c) to 2 lbs (9 N) of drag force.
The spring (30) is not included with the fluid packing rod assembly (28)