4 308813
Ventilate the Spray Booth
To prevent hazardous concentrations of
toxic and/or flammable vapors, spray
only in a properly ventilated spray booth.
Never operate the spray gun unless ventilation
fans are operating.
Check and follow all of the National, State and
Local codes regarding air exhaust velocity require-
Configure the Gun and Manifold
(Order Manifold separately, see page 20)
Models 239786 and 241469
with Manifolds 241161 and 241162
The gun is supplied with an internal fluid plug (4). See
Fig. 1. To use the gun in a circulating system, remove
the internal plug. In a non-circulating system, leave the
plug in place to minimize flush time.
In a circulating system, apply anti-seize lubricant
222955 to the threads and mating faces of the man-
ifold (101) and the elbows (107), supplied unas-
sembled. Install elbows (107) in both fluid ports of the
manifold (101). Connect the fluid supply line to one
elbow and the fluid return line to the other. The man-
ifold fluid ports are reversible.
In a non-circulating system, apply anti-seize lubricant
222955 to the threads and mating faces of the man-
ifold (101), a plug (109), and an elbow (107), supplied
unassembled. Install an elbow (107) in one fluid port of
the manifold, and a plug (109) in the other port. Install
the internal plug (4) in the gun fluid port on the same
side as the manifold plug. Connect the fluid supply line
to the manifold elbow. See Fig. 1.
Fig. 1: Manifolds 241161 and 241162
Non–Circulating Setup Shown (cutaway view)
Remove when used in circulating systems
Replace with an elbow (107) when used in circulating systems
Install filter in the fluid inlet port
The gun is supplied with an internal fluid filter (32).
Install the filter in the gun port being used as the fluid
inlet (see Fig. 1).
NOTE: The gun can operate without the filter. If you
are using highly viscous fluid and the filter causes an
unacceptable pressure drop, remove the filter.
Install the gun on the manifold, using the four screws
(17). Thread the screws by hand, then torque alter-
nately and evenly to 65 in-lb (7.3 NSm).
Models 233670
with Manifold 244930
This gun and manifold are designed to be used with
high viscosity material and sealants, such as protective
coatings and automotive sealants. There is no circula-
tion port. The fluid inlet uses both ports to feed the
valve and no filter is used.