308936 9
Operating Checklist
Check the following list daily, before starting to operate
the system, to help ensure safe, efficient operation.
____ 1. All the operators are properly trained to
safely operate an electrostatic air-assisted
airless spray system as instructed in this
____ 2. All the operators are trained how to properly
relieve pressure, using the Pressure Relief
Procedure on page 10.
____ 3. The system is thoroughly grounded and the
operator and all persons entering the spray
area are properly grounded. See Ground
the System, page 8.
____ 4. The warning sign provided with the gun is
mounted in the spray area where it can be
easily seen and read by all operators.
____ 5. The operator and all persons entering the
spray area are properly grounded by wearing
shoes with conductive soles or personal
grounding straps.
____ 6. The operator is not wearing gloves which
insulate the hand from the spray gun. If
worn, gloves must be conductive or modified
as shown in Fig. 2 so as not to interfere with
the operator grounding through the gun.
____ 7. The condition of the electrical components of
the spray gun has been checked as
instructed in Electrical Tests, page 25.
____ 8. The ventilation fans are operating properly.
____ 9. The workpiece hangers are clean and
grounded. Contact points must be sharp
points or like knife edges.
____ 10. All the debris, including flammable liquids
and rags, is removed from the spray area.
____ 11. All flammable liquids in the spray booth are
in approved, grounded containers.
____ 12. All conductive objects in the spray area are
electrically grounded and the floor of the
spray area is electrically conductive and
Be sure the wallet sized warning card
179960, provided with the gun, is avail-
able and easily accessible, at all times,
for anyone operating or servicing this equipment.
The card contains important information on what to
do if an injection injury occurs. Additional cards are
available at no charge from Graco.
Fig. 2
3 in. (76 mm) square cut out and finger of glove cut off
NOTE: If gloves are worn, they must be conductive or
modified as shown so they do not interfere with operator
grounding through the gun.