Drive Housing Replacement
309674M 17
Drive Housing Replacement
1. Relieve pressure, page 7.
2. Disconnect power cord from outlet.
3. Remove screws (12) and pump rod cover (70).
4. Remove pump (41), Displacement Pump Replace-
ment, page 15
5. Remove screws (12) from shroud (23).
6. Remove screws (12) from front cover (22).
7. Remove screws (47).
8. Pull drive housing (42) off motor (54).
9. Remove gear cluster (44) and (40) and thrust
washer (25) from drive housing.
1. Apply a heavy coat of grease to gears and needle
bearing surfaces.
2. Install washers (8, 10) on back of gear (40). Install
gear in motor end bell. Using grease for retention,
place washer (10) over bearing inside housing (42).
3. Install washers (1, 9) on back of gear (44). Install in
motor endbell.
4. Install thrust washer (25) on gear (44).
5. Push drive housing (42) on motor endbell as you
guide gear crank (44) through hole in connecting
rod (43).
6. Install screws (47).
7. Install cover (22) and screws (12).
8. Install shroud (23) and screws (12).
9. Install pump (41); Displacement Pump Replace-
ment, page 15.
10. Install pump rod cover (70) with screws (12).
Do not drop gear cluster (44) and (40) when removing
from drive housing (42). Gear cluster may stay
engaged in motor front end bell or drive housing.