312106F 7
Problem Cause Solution
Normal pattern. No action necessary.
Dirty or damaged air cap or fluid
Rotate air cap 180°.
If pattern follows air cap, problem is in air
cap (13). Clean and inspect. If pattern is
not corrected, replace air cap.
If pattern does not follow the air cap, the
problem is with the fluid nozzle. Clean
and inspect the nozzle. If the pattern is
not corrected, replace nozzle.
Pressure too high for viscosity of
material being sprayed.
Reduce air pressure and increase
material viscosity.
Correct pattern by narrowing fan size with
spray width adjustment knob (8).
Dirty or distorted air horn holes. Clean and inspect air cap. If pattern is not
corrected, replace air cap.
Gun spitting Air getting into paint stream. Check if cup is empty and fill.
Tighten fluid nozzle (11).
Check and tighten needle packing nut (17).
Check fluid nozzle (11) for damage.
Will not spray Cup is empty. Fill cup.
Fluid adjustment knob (8) turned
too far clockwise.
Adjust knob (8) counterclockwise.
Excessive air
blowing back
Loose fluid nozzle (11). Tighten fluid nozzle (11).
Damaged fluid nozzle seal (21). Replace seal (21).
Heavy top
or bottom
Split pattern