46 308936
Use Only Genuine Graco Parts and Accessories
Grounding Clamp and Wire 222011
12 ga, 25 ft (7.6 m) wire
Megohmmeter 218979
500 Volt output; 0.01–2000 megohms;
Not for use in Hazardous areas
Remote Spraying Voltage Readout (SVRt) 224388
(Requires Gun Power Supply change to 224100; see
For monitoring the gun voltage during
operation. Battery operated, intrinsi-
cally safe (Class I, Group D), hand-
held unit. See Manual 308183.
Gun Power Supply with RF Transmitter
Power supply with transmitter capability for
spraying voltage readout (SVR).
Gun High Voltage Probe and Meter 236003
For direct measurement of gun output voltage
Paint Resistance Meter 722886
Used with 722860 Paint Probe to measure resistance
of paint; Not for use in Hazardous areas
Paint Probe 722860
Used with 722886 Paint Resistance Meter to
measure resistance of paint; Not for use in
Hazardous areas
Safety Warning Signs
Available at no charge from Graco
180060 Warning Sign (English)
180061 Warning Sign (French)
180062 Warning Sign (German)
180063 Warning Sign (Spanish)
Setup Instruction Poster 189062
Basic PRO AA4500 Gun operator setup instructions to
hang in the spray booth area; English on one side and
Spanish on the other side
Daily Gun Care Instruction Poster 189063
Basic PRO AA4500 daily gun care instructions to hang
in the spray booth area; English on one side and
Spanish on the other side