Performance You Can Trust
Advanced technology that boosts your productivity
Packed with features
Whether your application requires a basic machine or one that is fully loaded, the Graco XM provides the technology and performance
you need to get the job done faster and more efficiently than ever before.
Advanced controls
The user interface on the Graco
XM is intuitive and simple to use.
It provides two display modes:
“setup” for entering parameters
and a basic “run” mode for
everyday operation. The user
interface monitors and tracks
pressure, temperature and flow,
and allows you to program
maintenance schedules as well.
With a conveniently located
USB port, you can easily
access and download
historical spraying data.
Precise mixing and ratio assurance
Material mixing reaches a new level of precision due to new dosing technology.
With the Graco XM, the minor component (or side B material) is injected at high
pressure into the major material (side A). Advanced sensors allow pumps to
compensate for pressure fluctuations, resulting in accurate, on-ratio mixing
for better yield and less waste.
Choose standard, frame-mounted
mix manifold or remote mix
manifold; both include
a pressure gauge
that displays fluid
output pressure.
Remote Mix Manifold Standard Mix Manifold