313754C 5
Problem Cause Solution
Orange peel finish - Paint
surface not smooth
Pain droplets too large • Maintain proper spraying distance, page 2.
• Keep turbine air filters clean to allow full air
• Do not use an air hose that is too long to
provide sufficient atomization pressure.
• If droplets are still too large, reduce fluid.
Paint droplets drying too fast to prop-
erly flow out of gun
Keep object being sprayed out of direct sunlight.
When spraying in warmer temperatures, use a
slower evaporating solvent or a reducer.
Cold weather spraying Keep fluid and object being sprayed as close to
room temperature as possible. When spraying
on a cold surface, most paints will become too
thick to flow properly.
Blushing - clear coatings
appear milky
Moisture condensation is trapped in
lacquer when spraying in hot, humid
• Allow turbine to warm up a few minutes
before spraying.
• Store lacquer off concrete floors, at room
• Apply lighter coats and allow for proper dry-
ing time.
• Use a slower evaporating solvent or
• Do not spray in windy conditions.
Fish eyes - small pools on
painted surface that will not
Silicone contamination from lubri-
cants, grease, polish, or waxes on
the surface being sprayed
Clean all parts with a cleaning solvent; wipe with
a solvent rag and a clean rag. Replace rags as
needed. If problem persists, use a fish eye elimi-
Runs and sags Applying too much paint per pass for
the drying conditions
• Move gun faster or decrease fluid flow.
• Maintain proper spraying distance, page 2.
• Reduce amount of thinner or use a faster
drying thinner.
Solvent pops or bubbles Sprayed surface drying before sol-
vent gas can be released
• Apply fluid in lighter coats to allow for proper
• Use the recommended thinners.
• Follow the solutions for Orange Peel Finish,
Paint Droplets Too Large in this Trouble-
shooting Table.