Priorto assemblingyourpatioheater,thefollowing
mustbe reviewed.Compliancewiththefollowing
shouldresultin satisfactoryheateroperation.This
Owner'sManualshouldbe retainedfor future
reference.Theinstallationmustconformwith local
codesof yourarea.
1. Thisgasfired infraredpatioheateris intended
for outdoorheating.Theinstallationmustconform
with localcodesor, in the absenceof local
codeswith the NationalFuelGascode,ANSI
Z223.1.In Canada,heaterinstallationmust
conformwith localbuildingcodesor, in the
absenceof localcodes,with the current
NationalStandardsof CanadaCAN/CGA-B149.2.
2. Thefollowingmustbe maintainedat all times
whenthe patioheateris in operation:
• Adequateclearancearoundairopeningsinto
• Clearancesfromcombustiblematerials.
• Provisionsfor accessibility.
• Combustionandventilatingair supply.
3. Properclearancefromcombustiblematerials
mustbe maintainedat all times.See Fig. 1
Minimum clearances are as follows:
Sides/Rear 12" Top 12"
Below Reflector Head 30"
Combustible materials include wood, compressed
paper, plant fibers, plastic, Plexiglas or other
materials capable of being ignited and burned.
Such materials are considered combustible even
if flameproof, fire-retardant treated or plastered.
Figure 1
Ceiling or Overhang
Certain materials or items, when stored
under the heater, will be subjected to
radiant heat and could be seriously
Additional clearance may be required for glass,
painted surfaces and other materials which may
be damaged by radiant or convection heat.
Patio heater must be placed on a level surface.
You must use only the gas regulator provided
with this patio heater. This regulator is set for
an outlet pressure of 11 inches water column.
Any replacement regulator must be UL listed.
The minimum inlet pressure to the regulator
from the cylinder is 10 psi and maximum
pressure is 150 psi.
The patio heater must be inspected before each
use, and annually by a qualified service person.
All gas connections should be checked for
leaks utilizing a soapy water solution (50%
mixture of both). Never use a flame for this
The flame pattern can be observed through
the perforated emitter grid on the heater
head assembly and should be visually
checked whenever the patio heater is
operated (see Fig. 2).If flames extend more
than 2 inches in height or 1/2 inch outside
the surface of the emitter grid or black
soot is accumulating on the emitter grid or
reflector, the heater should be turned off
immediately. The heater should not be
operated again until repairs are made.
• The patio heater area must be kept clear
and free of combustible materials, gasoline
and other flammable vapors and liquids.
Figure 2.
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